
Thursday, June 21, 2012


This probably won't come as a big shock to anyone who knows me (or who reads this blog), but I love Pinterest. It has made my life so much easier! I also love the Dating Divas. So, the other day when I saw on their Facebook page (and got an email from them) stating that they were looking for 'Pinterestaholics' to help with a project, I knew I had to request consideration. I have been a self-proclaimed Pinterestaholic for about a year now. Haha. This morning, I woke up to find this email in my inbox:

That's right, I'm a Pinterestaholic. That being said, I am going to need YOUR help! If you have a Pinterest and aren't following me yet, PLEASE add me. If you want an invitation to be a part of Pinterest, send me an email or Facebook message and I'll get you an invite. I'm so excited to be able to help out with a Dating Divas project. They have so many wonderful ideas for dating your spouse!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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